Mail BOTH the
Student Application and Recommendation Form
to the address below by
November 1st, 2020.
P.O. Box 217
St. James, Missouri 65559
PLEASE NOTE: These forms should be filled out completely. Forms are to be mailed to the address above. Students that fill-out the Application Form and get the Recommendation Form filled out prior to the start of Missouri Youth Fellowship (MYF), will be given priority when it comes to the interviews. They will be interviewed first because they took the necessary steps to do this ahead of time. Students that fill out the Application Form and get the Recommendation Form filled out at the time of MYF, will be interviewed by the time of their arrival that Saturday Morning. Interviews begin at 6AM in the designated location each year. If either of the forms are incomplete or not filled out, that student will not be interviewed. Filling out the forms does not guarantee a position on the team.